Thank you for choosing Catholic Charities Disabilities Services (CCDS) to provide supports and services to you or your family member.
Here at Catholic Charities Disabilities Services, for over 40 years, we constantly strive to provide the people we are privileged to support with the best possible service. Since 2014, we have consistently had our efforts endorsed through certification in Person-Centered Excellence Accreditation from the Council on Quality Leadership (CQL) in recognition of our commitment to providing person-centered supports and services. We believe that our work can always be improved, so we are reaching out to you and asking you, a valued stakeholder, what you think about our supports and services.
We would greatly appreciate if you would take a moment of your time to complete this short questionnaire regarding the services you or your family member received from CCDS during 2024. At your earliest convenience, please complete this survey by clicking on the link below.