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Ramps, lifts, hand rails (etc.) performed by trusted contractors that greatly increase an individual’s ability to live at home with independence

Environmental Modifications Top Box

Through the Home and Community Based Waiver (HCBS), New York State OPWDD provides funds to construct adaptations to homes which can increase or maintain an individual’s ability to live at home with independence. These Environmental Modifications (or E-Mods) can include such projects as the construction of ramps, lifts, hand rails, bathroom modifications (such as roll-in showers). The waiver may also pay for van modifications. Additions that address an individual’s sensory deficits, such as Braille identification systems and strobe light smoke detectors and alarm devices may also be considered. Alterations that promote a safer environment for individuals with challenging behaviors, including window protection, reinforcement of walls, open-door signal devices and durable wall finishes are also available.

Catholic Charities Disabilities Services (CCDS) contracts with OPWDD to secure contractors and manage the construction of these projects in its 14 county catchment area. As you might guess, there are a number of checks and reviews that must take place before the state will spend Medicaid dollars on construction projects for private homes.

Information for Families:

 A typical E-Mod project requires the following steps and takes a year or more for approval and construction: 

The MSC submits the paperwork to the DDRO which reviews the scope of work and the bids. If the package passes muster at the local level, the bids and scope of work are sent to OPWDD’s Central Office for review. If this review is successful, the package is sent to the Division of the Budget (DOB) for its review.

Information for Vendors:

CCDS is continually recruiting vendors, especially Minority or Women Owned Businesses (MWBE) to do E-Mods. If you are a building contractor and may be interested in submitting bids for E-Mod work, please submit a letter describing your business, your experience in doing typical E-Mods (ramps, fences, bathroom modifications, van alterations, etc) and three letters of reference from customers.